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Labview 8.0.1 hangs on startup and shutdown

Well I’m glad to hear that you are up and running again.  I’m slightly uncomfortable with the problem sort of resolving itself and think that you might benefit from a clean-wipe of NI Software combined with a fresh reinstall (remember that MSI installed programs are meant to go through uninstallation as opposed to deleting directly from disk), however given the time that it might take I completely understand if your happy using LabVIEW now that it runs.


Feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions and if you do need to rid your system of any trace of NI software please visit to let us know.


Thanks again for posting to the discussion forums – have a great afternoon!

Travis M
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 26
It does seem to be running normally, thanks.

It worries me that a real uninstall is only available at special request. From a user's perspective it seems kind of arrogant or unprofessional to not provide this on the shipped CDs. I don't see how copy protection factors into this decision. Sounds more like marketing.

The total NI install is so huge that you can be sure I will be removing it if I don't see an immediate need. With quarterly updates, it would likely be a totally new install the next time anyway. How about just offering a utility that walks thru your disk and deletes every file with 'national instruments' in the properties?  When bundled with msiblast, this would go a long way towards really cleaning the disk. In my case this would have saved me an hour or two.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 26

My apologies, I believe that I may have been a little unclear in an earlier post.  It is entirely possible to remove any trace of NI software from your computer by going thorough the normal uninstallation procedure which requires users to go through the add/remove software wizards in the Control Panel and remove each software item individually as needed.  In unusual event that these steps fail, we can sometimes guide users though ‘manually’ deleting the software, but there’s no exact science to it so we request that users contact us directly for help with that.


I apologize for any confusion on that, and I’m glad to hear that you are up and running!

Travis M
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 26

Just a shot in the dark here, have you tried upgrading DAQmx from 8.0 to 8.1?


0 Kudos
Message 14 of 26
You mentioned being able to stop those services from being loaded on boot. Since nidevmon is the only one I see in the registry,
I used msconfig to prevent its launch but this does not stop the others from launching. In short, the ones I have identified are:

nipalsm aka midevldu,
nipalsm ala nipxirmu,
tagsrv aka "Tagger"

So is there an easy way to prevent this group from being automatically launched or do I have to handle each one?
Its fine if they all launch when I first open Labview or TestStand, I'd just prefer they don't do this automatically.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 26

Good morning,


Yes, you can configure the services to run “manually”.  We really urge you to avoid modifying the registry unless you really have to (we actually really caution you about changing the NI Services as well).  To configure the services, open MS Control Panel, and open “Administrator Tools->Services”.  Find the services you are interested in (the NI ones either start with “NI” or “National Instruments”), and right click to select “Properties”.  From here, change the “startup type” to “Manual”.


I hope this helps-

Travis M
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 26
I can confirm that I have also had the same problem. I was told that NI-PAL was waiting for something at "finishing installation" and that it does not get is response desired, hence the hang.

A reboot will make it work for a while.

I am told R&D has duplicated this on one of their similar PXI systems, so that they are aware of it.

The solution I have been told is to uninstall MAX, which uninstalls the drivers as well, etc. Then repair LabVIEW, then reinstall MAX and drivers. Takes a bit of time, but then everything works - for a while.

Got a few weeks out of it this last time, but now it has started to hang at startup again.

If anyone knows of a more permenant fix, that would be greatly appreciated.


Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 26

Hello antennaguy,

Out of curiosity, have you worked with an engineer here on your problem?  In any event, the issue you describe has been reported and is being investigated.  Unfortunately, as far as I know there's no workaround other than the one proposed. 


Sorry for the trouble, let us know if you have any further questions on this issue by replying to this message, or for a new or unrelated issue please feel free to start a new thread.  Thanks a bunch,

Travis M
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 26
Yes, Travis. This was worked through NI, and confirmed on one of their PXI's as well.
Looking forward to a fix in the future.

Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 26

Hello all,

I have got the same problem with my LabVIEW 8.0.1....

Sometimes LabVIEW & MAX are hanging on startup…

I have got uninstalled everything (msiBlast.exe) cleaned the whole registry etc. But there was still the same Problem after reinstalling and mass-compiling- that sometimes LabVIEW & MAX don’t start correctly.

I have uninstalled everything a second time and just installed the 8.0 version (Tipp from NI-Support-Switzerland) and it’s still the same.

Sometimes LabVIEW starts after booting up the PC and sometimes it doesn’t start correctly. It always stops on “Beende Initialisierung”( Finishing Initialization)

But if LabVIEW doesn’t starts correctly => MAX also doesn’t start! (There is just the start- picture from MAX)…

As far as I know, LabVIEW and MAX only start correctly if the “NI- Gerätemonitor” => nidevmon.exe is running correctly. That means that the Icon is visible in the taskbar.

When LabVIEW and MAX aren’t starting, nidevmo.exe is listed in the Task manager but the Icon is not visible in the Taskbar…

So I think the problem has something to do with a “NI-Task” which causes other task to “not running”


0 Kudos
Message 20 of 26