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Labview FPGA Compilation error

Hello to all members... I am using NI USRP-2940R and labview 2015 with windows 7 on desktop PC. I have installed labview compilation tools of Vivado 2014.4, Vivado 2013.4 and Xilinx ISE 14.7 as well. While compiling Labview FPGA VI, I am getting an error: (LabView FPGA: The compilation failed due to Xilinx error. Details: ERROR [Common 17-345] A valid license was not found for feature 'Synthesis' and/or device 'xc7k410t'. Please run the Vivado license Manager for assistance in determining which features and devices are licensed for your system............ while executing ''synth_design-top"ReallyLongUniqueName_ReallyLongUniqueName'' -part''xc7k410tffg900-2'' -mode out_of_context''.............) I have tried many solutions like re-installing compilation tools and repairing as well, but still error exists. I am badly stuck now and beginner in NI USRP. Your help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
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Message 2 of 4

I have similar problem with labview compilation tools of Vivado 2014.4. [Vivado 12-4167] The checkpoint part 'xc7k410tffg900-2' does not match the current project part 'xc7vx485tffg1157-1'. I am using labview communication design suite 2.0. I use  windows 7 on desktop PC and NI-USRP 2954R. When I tried build project, it is failed. I added Xilinx log file and NI-MAX system report anyone can help me? 

Message 3 of 4

Did you find a solution? I have the same problem.

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