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Labview USB HID Data Send

Hi everyone.
I want remote a quadcopter with labview. I use to usb hid protocol. First read gamepad axis and buttons data and after send to quadcopter. My transmitter use PIC18F4550. I can read int data to pic but i can' t send data to pic. I want int value send to pic. not string. I studied before post for labview usb hid conneciton., but i can't work it. Can you help me?

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Message 1 of 4

Hello alprn81,


Here is an example I found that shows how to output data using the VISA Interrupt Out Transfer:




Here is something that may help you in writing a value that is not a string:


I hope that helps.

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Message 2 of 4

Hello everyone .

 Im working on a project in which I must send data from the STm32F4 to PC via USB HID  protocole . I didn't find a specific visa for that . 

Can you help me please . 
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Message 3 of 4

There's a very good guide to doing VISA RAW for USB communications here:

LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CLED, CTD
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Message 4 of 4