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Labview and GE MAC 1200 ST ECG signal

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Message 1 of 4

Is it a question embedded in this? Please if you want help. Put in some effort in telling us what you have done so far. And why and how you struggle. Good questions draw good answers. And we are not clairvoyant.

Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
(Sorry no Labview "brag list" so far)
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Message 2 of 4



For some reason my question was not posted...


Could I use Labview to acquire/analyse data from a GE MAC 1200 ST ECG machine? I noticed it has a R232 output and was wondering whether I could use it to get digital ECG signals for my research project.


Can Labview read the signal or it is encrypted and only GE softwares would read it? Would that apply to any ECG machine out there (GE, Philips etc)?


Many Thanks



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Message 3 of 4

You will have to find the documentation for the device and see if the system can be configure to output real-time ECG data on that RS-232 port, and if so, how the data is encoded and transmitted.


Some monitors will also output signals as a high-level (1Vpp or so) analog waveform on a connector specfically for applications like yours - thought this is increasingly rare.  If this monitor supports this, you can easily route this signal to one of NI's low-cost DAQ boards and acquire/digitize that way (typically this is easier to accomplish).

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Message 4 of 4