01-25-2021 04:39 PM
Hello everyone!
I am doing a simple task with arduino and labview...
1. Arduino computes something and sent the result to labview by serial port.
2. From labview, I turn on and turn off a relay, using digital pin on arduino.
I already can do this with a Arduino Uno, but when I try to do exactly the same with a Arduino Mega 2560, it doesn't work.
I am runnign exactly the same code on the arduinos, I just check the serial ports and that's all. But, I think it was all.
Do I have to set a configuration on Labview to use a Arduino Mega?
Am I missing something??
I will attach the arduino code and labview file.
Thank you very much 🙂
01-25-2021 05:17 PM
It seems that labview is set by default to use with arduino uno! So I installed the VI package "Labview interface for arduino". So, I tryied a simple digital lecture with the following program on labview and I got this error. (I am using labview 2020).
01-25-2021 09:55 PM
How can I use labview and an Arduino mega with VISA??
I want to write some code in the arduino and send data by serial port to labview. I understand that I can't do this if i am using a toolkit as LINX or LIFA. What can I implement?
01-30-2021 08:07 PM
@navarro08 wrote:
How can I use labview and an Arduino mega with VISA??
I want to write some code in the arduino and send data by serial port to labview. I understand that I can't do this if i am using a toolkit as LINX or LIFA. What can I implement?
Assuming you already know how to do the Arduino code and have it behave as a serial device...
Check out the serial communication examples that ship with LabVIEW. Also be sure to checkout crossrulz presentation from VIWeek 2020.
The answer to your last question is: whatever you can imagine within the limits of the Arduino hardware. If you are using VISA instead of a prebuilt toolkit you will have to define your own communication scheme. How it works and what it can do will be up to you.
01-30-2024 03:53 PM
I'm running into the same problem. I can control an Arduino Uno no problem using Visa, but I'm trying to control a Arduino Mega and no Luck!
If I pull up the Serial Monitor in Arduino Program, I can write commands perfectly.
Did you ever find a solution for the Arduino Mega and Labview?