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Labview code for adc measurement

Hello, i want to build a measurement place for adc measurement. I have a PXI System with 4461 as differential sinus source, the SMU 4140 as DC source and the Flex Rio with I/O card 6583 for parallel ADC output detection. I want to know if there already is labview code for adc measurement (INL,DNL,THD,ENOB,SNR, etc.) that i can use. Another question is how to simulate an adc in labview to test the program.
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Message 1 of 17



I think you need to explain further what you want to do. Right now I am having some difficulties understanding all the abbrevations you used: E.g.: ADC can mean A/D Converter or analog DC.

To look for fitting LabVIEW Code you can always use the example Finder under help>>...find examples

I think he best idea is to filter the results by the hardware you are using.


Best regards,

Remember Cunningham's Law
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Message 2 of 17

ADC, means A/D Converter. I am searching for Labview code to measure INL, DNL of an A/D Converter Device (for example from TI or Analog Devices). The hardware I use is not common for this form of test. The sinus Generation with the PXI 4461 is necessary due to the good THD and SNR of the generator. But thats not the point.


I am searching for Code doing the histogram test that are typically used for A/D Converter evaluation. I tried the example finder integrated in Labview, but can´t find a maching example.

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Message 3 of 17

Since there's no Example fitting your needs exactly I think that you'll have to program this on your own.


Best regards,

Remember Cunningham's Law
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Message 4 of 17

I thought maybe NI members have another searching engine than the common customer. I am pretty new and thought that there could be other sources than only the Labview examples included in the software. Maybe code other customers use and share or something like this?

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Message 5 of 17

Any code that users wish to share would be in the NI Community.


It's highly unlikely that you will find something specific to what you want.

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Message 6 of 17

Yes that could be very helpful.

I found code for ADC characterization, now i search for a ADC vi to run a simulation without hardware. Afterwards i can test in combination with hardware

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Message 7 of 17

hi lte_jung,


do you have the adc that has no broken subvis?



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Message 8 of 17


I just download ADC and open it,i am seen there is many vi missing in this program like that DIO Config. vi,DIO,DIO etc. missing file are related with name of DIO.

So please if you have this file then please send me on given my mail


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Message 9 of 17

Hi NK,


these subVIs are related to niFGEN and (AFAIK) the old "TraditionalDAQ" driver.


TraditionalDAQ isn't support anymore, you need to replace those functions by DAQmx equivalents.

I think you are better done by recreating this very old VI from scratch according to your own specs and requirements…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 10 of 17