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Labview crash after some execution time.

Hi all,


My experimental setup is composed off two RTD sensors and a vaccum pressure sensor.


For RTD measurement I am using the NI9217 module with DAQ assistant.

For pressure sensor, I am just using serial API.


After a few hours (half a day or a day) the code aborts and asks for continue, after a few hours post continue the code just breaks without errors and cannot be stopped.


If anyone could help me, I appretiate.




Graph and Data from setup during executionGraph and Data from setup during executionError asking to continue 1Error asking to continue 1Error asking to continue 2Error asking to continue 2Program Breaks after a while and cannot be stoppedProgram Breaks after a while and cannot be stopped 

Message 1 of 2

You are creating a new VISA reference with EVERY iteration of the loop.  You need to do what you started (but didn't finish) with your file write.  Open your VISA ref and configure it before the loop, read and process data in the loop and then close your VISA and file refs after the loop.


Also, why is the continuous run button on?  You have a loop with a STOP button.  That will control your program.


Another also, ALL this stuff would be much easier to troubleshoot if you learn to use your error Ins and Outs.  😉

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
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