05-10-2017 11:47 PM
I resolved this problem by following steps in this link http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/6807113B057FDE4C86256B41008212ED?opendocument&Submitted&&...
05-11-2017 10:46 AM
Hi cbutcher!
When I was trying to read the position of the stage by using the following program, there was an error saying something wrong in the Write Command and Read. Do you know what is going on here? Thanks!
05-11-2017 08:52 PM
Without hardware, can't be sure, but looks like maybe the Write Command and Read (sub)VI is not sending a properly formed command. Usually this involves the wrong or missing termination characters.
Double click down a few layers on Initialize.vi (follow the error call stack) and see where the termination character is added, then check it matches the documentation available for the ESP301.
05-15-2017 12:28 PM
Hi cbutcher,
I have developed the labview program for ESP301 and it is working in one of our PC (test PC). However, when I was trying to transfer everything to another PC (LAB PC), which is in our lab, I run into a problem, shown below. I am wondering if you know how to solve this error? I search online and tried some methods but the it's not resolved. Thanks!
05-15-2017 05:51 PM
Hi cbutcher,
We are using RS232 instead of USB cable now, and labview program can control ESP301 now. Thanks!
12-07-2017 07:14 AM
Dear ,
Could you help to share the LabVIEW drivers of ESP301 here?
12-07-2017 01:37 PM
1. Download ESP301 Labview driver (version 2010), ESP301 Firmware Installer and ESP301 Utility Installer Win32 from ftp://download.newport.com/MotionControl/Current/MotionControllers/ESP301/Archive%20Software/Labview...
08-18-2018 02:45 PM
The pictures attached below are the manual of how to write a Labview program to control ESP301. Hope it helps!
10-27-2018 08:48 PM
Hi, I got a pretty naive question, when I followed your step, I found that I am not able to open the ESP301 Firmware after updating it, I tried both RS232 and USB, after updating, the program will shut down itself, and when I opened it again, It just kept updating again. Could you please give me any suggestion about that? or can you show me what the interface looks like?
The ESP301 Firmware program is downloaded from here https://www.newport.com/p/ESP301-3N, I am also wondering if you have any other sources for that?
I will really appreciate if you can help me with that.
10-27-2018 09:03 PM
I am not sure what is the problem of your case. Message 18 of 19 is our final solution.