01-12-2015 03:54 PM
Further to what Hooovahh is saying...
You will most likely only see the poor quality code. That is the code people want help with, need help with, and so post on forums etc.
The good code written by professionals is kept confidential. You will not see it because IP = profit. You don't usually just give it away.
01-13-2015 03:12 AM
@TroyK wrote:
Further to what Hooovahh is saying...
You will most likely only see the poor quality code. That is the code people want help with, need help with, and so post on forums etc.
The good code written by professionals is kept confidential. You will not see it because IP = profit. You don't usually just give it away.
I was just about to make that point. If you want to see some good code you can install some package through VIPM, e.g. G# or the OpenG toolkit. They restore some faith of humanity. 😉
01-13-2015 04:18 AM
Yeah, sure, I *HAD* to install the OpenG toolkit to manipulate
variants since the hidden bundled 'VariantDataType' is just
completely worthless for that purpose. That's another point
of frustration to conclude that community supported, third
parties libraries are better than the originals 😕 And to do
some serious work you just need them...
David Koch
01-13-2015 04:59 AM
@Kochise wrote:
third parties libraries are better than the originals
Isn't that true in most all languages and cases? The office program suites were big in the 90's due to the lack of build in spreadsheet and writer software.
01-13-2015 09:03 AM
@Yamaeda wrote:
@Kochise wrote:
third parties libraries are better than the originals
Isn't that true in most all languages and cases?
I agree, it seems not having corporate lines to cross means work gets done faster. This obviously means other issues can happen, but generally you see lots of progress in terms of Component, and even some Modular level reuse. I mean that's where things like the Tools Network works well. NI shouldn't be expected to write every toolkit, or reuse thing ever made. In my mind NI should facuilitate the tools that help make reusable libraries. They can be a good example of making libraries but I'd almost prefer they focus more on the tools side.
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01-14-2015 01:46 AM
I undertsand that, but I was mostly refering about
the hidden VariantDataType library to deal with
the standard variant datat type. This library is just
incomplete and should have offered what OpenG
variant library offers.
That NI couldn't write every libraries out ther, I
can bear it, but when the software developer
do not even bundle enough tools to work with
the standard data types, I just cannot stand it.
David Koch
01-14-2015 02:43 AM
Yeah, i've also mumbled and cursed about the missing Variant functions in the pallettes. It's very easy to be mislead into thinking the only functions available are the ones in the pallettes.
01-14-2015 04:16 AM
Lack of attention to Variant tools is a pain point for me also (hint, hint, for NI people reading this).