05-03-2011 06:07 AM
it seems I uploaded the wrong file!
Here they are.
05-30-2011 02:19 PM
I downloaded the llb and tiff for windows from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/tiff.htmt. I got the following error message when I tried to run libtiff_example2.vi.
Error 1097 occurred at Call Library Function Node in libtiff2_writeScanLine_U8.vi
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW: An exception occurred within the external code called by a Call Library Function Node. The exception might have corrupted the LabVIEW memory. Save any work to a new location and restart LabVIEW.
Do you have any idea how I can solve the problem? Thanks.
06-01-2011 06:23 AM
Mmm... could you tell where is the error generated in "libtiff2_writeScanLine_U8.vi"? All the "status" numeric outputs ("status_width", status_length" etc.) should be "1".
Do you get the same error by selecting "U16 ScanLine single page"? What about choosing a different tiff format ("U8 striped single page")?
06-01-2011 09:01 AM
The error is generated in call function TIFFSetField( ). The error persisted when I selected "U16 ScanLine single page" or "U8 striped single page". I have no problem to run example 1.
06-01-2011 09:46 AM
That's strange: could you please tell me which instance of TiffSetField() fails? There are many nodes calling TiffSetField() setting different tags (e. g. the first one to be called in "libtiff2_writeScanLine_U8.vi" set the tag 256, corresponding to ImageWidth).
Do you get the same error by choosing a multipaged file (choosing "U8 ScanLine multi page" in "libtiff_example2.vi")?
Anyone else having the same problem?
06-01-2011 02:00 PM
It is the first TiffSetField function with tag 256 caused the problem. It might relates with the version of the Tiff library. I downloaded the latest version 3.8.2. Which verison are you using?
06-01-2011 02:40 PM
I am using 3.8.2, too... which value are you using as X resolution in "libtiff_example2.vi"? The default should be 300.
Could you please try and run "libtiff_example3.vi" (you will need also "libtiff2_DoTestImg.vi")? Both VIs are attached. Alternatively, try to create a single paged U8 tiff image using a program of your choice, then run "libtiff_test1.vi". The VI will ask you to choose a file for opening (select the file you created), then it will prompt you to choose a DIFFERENT name for saving it using libtiff.
Could you also right click on the node calling the TiffSetField function, choose "configure" and verify that it is pointing to the right libtiff3.dll file?
Hope it will help!
06-01-2011 03:37 PM
Yes, X resolution is 300.
I tried both libtiff_exmaple3.vi and libtiff_test1.vi, both works well.
The library name and path for TiffSetField function is 'C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\libtiff3.dll'.
Could you please tell me why libtiff_example2.vi didn't work while libtiff_exmaple3.vi works on my computer? Thanks.
06-02-2011 08:06 AM
That's strange, I don't think there are big differences between the two examples... did you try to reinstall libtiff2? Maybe something got corrupted during the download... Anyway good that the new VIs work well!
Please let me know if you have further problems
06-02-2011 04:25 PM
One more question. What is the difference between writeScanLine and writeStripedPage?