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Labview synchronisation with other modules

Dear Sir,
We developed Labview Application for Data Acquisition Board.The driver  is in Dll format.
Labview calls the driver fucntion through Call library node.We used two threads in Labview Appication. Now we  want synchrnoisation between labview threads and dll. Any external library functuion proveded for this puropose. If yes give us sample code for the same 
Another  question is that In Labview I'm writing 1MB character type  buffer data in SGL formatted  biinary file.
The Data getting through thread  and Written  in File is not the same in dll file logged data which is actual data and  correct data.
Kindly solve this issue or give sample code for data logging from   dll to  labview and extrract the same data
With regards,
Shanmugasundaram M
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Message 1 of 3
What Data Acquistion board are you using and would it be possible for you to provide the dll and the header for the driver of this device?
I wasn't quite sure what you meant by synchronization between the LabVIEW thread and the dll. Could you give specific information on the tasks for which you want to synchronize the timing?
Also, what File I/O functions are you using to read and write the data. Would it be possible for you to provide your code or provide specific step by step information on how you are achieving this?
Without specific information on the dll functions, it is very hard for me to suggest ways for you to use the dll to perform certain tasks. Posting the dll with the header may help us in understanding some of the functions you maybe talking about.
Mehak D.
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Message 2 of 3


It is great to talk about a nanosecond clock but how to you beat Bill Gates. There are those of us with academic versions (without all the modules) that find simple timing within the computer a problem. Nanoseconds at you chip legs you would think 100 baud would be a snap: Receive the pulse off the zero switch of your 50 Hz's as a Phase Lock Loop. Then send a bit stream out the printer port synchronized to this. Program wise no problem, time wise, where are the missing milliseconds. We know, no matter what we write in parallel the PC processing is still linear unless you are programming for multicore CPUs and hyperthreading, which I am not. So Bill gates though it would be a good idea to have an events clock at the 10 ms mark to interrupt and time slice between processes. Unfortunately at the 10 ms mark I miss the mark which means I cannot synchronize my bit stream with missing chunks of time corrupting my sync. Has anyone out there had to work around this problem.


Cheers Jim B 007

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Message 3 of 3