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Latching and de-latching(?) a boolean control, is it possible?



I'm fairly new to Labview, doing a project for school. My background is in music and analog electronics, so for this free Labview-assignment I chose to build a programmable sequencer to interface with my DIY-musical instruments. Labview and programming is still new to me, so please be overbearing.


In short the sequencer consists of 16 steps. Each step can be activated to trigger events building up a rhythmic looping sequence. There's more features to the sequencer, but I won't bore you with details since I assume most of you don't care as much about musical instruments and rhythm as I do. 😉


I've searched the forum and found answers to all of my questions so far, but I've got one issue that I can't figure out:


Is it possible to latch a boolean switch "True" AND maintain its ability to be manually controlled "False" and "True"?


Wow. It's difficult to explain technical in a foreign language.

Take a look at the attached simplified version of my sequencer, where I've highlighted the issue.


Thanks. 🙂

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Latching means it returns to false after bein read. Thus it cannot automatically be both latching and manual. You need to simulate latching (programmatically return the boolean to false) for that to happen.

You can set another boolean and use it as a check whether you should 'latch' it or not, but the boolean it technically a switching one. 🙂


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