01-30-2017 08:41 AM
Hello everyone:
I work in a student project that uses myRIO and its my first time i use it. What I need from the myRio is to get the electromagnetic field from a surface through a sensor, and then to send the values to my host computer to make a 3D graph. So I would like to make that automatically (in a for loop for example) instead of launching the VI each time. Is it that possible?
Thanks in advanced
P.S. : I Attach the VI that is executed in the MyRIO and the other with the idea to make the 3D graphic.
01-30-2017 10:28 AM - edited 01-30-2017 10:29 AM
You'd need to clarify a couple points before we could give you meaningful help.
Do you intend to have the myRIO run continuously even without a host PC available?
If not, have you tried making a loop on the myRIO code and have a message to stop the loop when you're done getting data?
01-30-2017 06:55 PM
First of all thanks for your answer and my apologies for don't explain me clearly before:
"Do you intend to have the myRIO run continuously even without a host PC available?"
No, I don't. I'll try to explain it better. In my project I have an XY table who works independently of the MyRio. So I would like to make the next sequence:
1. Move the XY table to a point
2. Get the Electromagnetic field through the MyRIO
3. When it will have finished to sweep all the surface, Collect all the data to make the 3D graph.
All this sequence it automatised thanks to PTP Sequencer (a toolkit to automatised test in labVIEW), but it needs to close and open each VI each time it is executed. So it's in the second point where I have the problem and I don't know how I could launch the VI who runs in the MyRIO. I hope it's a little bit more clear.
"If not, have you tried making a loop in the myRIO code and have a message to stop the loop when you're done getting data?"
I have already though about a similar solution and do it manually, but it could be a little tedious. But how I explained before, the PTP sequencer closes and opens the VIs in each iteration working as a for loop, so I don't see how I could make it in that way.
Thank you again, it's very kind