01-24-2019 10:17 AM
Not a National Instrument user but IT Support for people who are and I've been asked to help but really haven't a clue about this.
I've been asked to test a camera is viewable in NI Max
It is a Firewire device and in my PC I can see the Firewire card in Win 7 Device manager and it does work when I plugged in a firewire connected external hard disk.
When I look in My System -> Devices and Interfaces I can see ASRL1::INSTR "COM1" and ASRL:: INSTR "LPT1". and the machine is a Dell 980 which has a 9pin serial and 1 parallel printer port.
Question would I expect to see an IEEE 1394 reference in the list.
Please see attached
01-24-2019 10:50 AM
Have you found this troubleshooting guide already?
01-25-2019 02:27 AM
Many thanks, just starting to find me way around this ecosystem 🙂