05-21-2015 12:39 PM
Hi LabVIEW Developer,
Is there a property under the VI Server "Application" object that will let me see the IP address or Machine name of any other computer connected to my machine via VI Server?
05-21-2015 07:43 PM
05-22-2015 05:38 PM
I'm teaching the LabVIEW Connectivity course and a student was wondering if there was a way to see the active connections to his machine through VI server since I think we can all agree that VI Server TCP/IP once enabled leaves our computers pretty open. The best answer I had was to restrict Machine Access through the VI Server Options but I didn't have a good answer to discuss # of connection or even which IPs were connected to the machine. It appears that the short answer is "No" but perhaps through a third party driver we could report network traffic on port 3363.
05-22-2015 05:56 PM