Hey guys,
I am synthesizing a square wave (f=4500kHz) on my FPGA Board (SB 9636) and put it on my AO and sample this very signal with my AI and lock it (for getting started with lock in amplifier).
My AI is configured for +-1V (RSE). I have 3 kinds of square wave amplitudes. 5V to 0V, 1V to -1V and 2V to -2V.
Now I wanted to know, what would be the right measured magnitude of these square waves?
(e.g. The input of 5V to 0V signal is 1,047V and 0V, therefor I would say it is 0,47Vrms and for the others it should be ca. 0,9Vrms)
The second question, why is the magnitude value only stable for 5V to 0V as input signal and 2V to -2V?
When I lock in 1V to -1V I get 0,31V-0,55V fluctuating...
Thank you for helping me!