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Log warning "Link from unexpected type of object" ("Possible path leak, unable to purge elements of base")



I'm getting the following warning after closing my LabVIEW application (see also LabVIEW code snippet attached).


Can you help me figure out if this may be relevant?


I don't experience anything unexpected, also no leaking of memory.







#Date: Mo, 11. Nov 2013 15:14:42
#OSName: Windows 7 Enterprise Service Pack 1
#OSVers: 6.1
#OSBuild: 7601
#AppName: LabVIEW
#Version: 12.0 32-bit
#AppKind: FDS
#AppModDate: 06/26/2012 19:23 GMT
#LabVIEW Base Address: 0x00400000

Processing 1230000708 link to [LinkIdentity "ProcessTaskWrapper.lvclass:" [ Mein Computer]

11.11.2013 15:15:35.726
DWarn 0xC1CF3BB8: Link from unexpected type of object {HeapClass=BDHP,UID=5401,DPId=23,o=0x0de33558} in VI [VI "" (0x11646770)]
e:\builds\penguin\labview\branches\2012\dev\source\linker\HeapLinker.cpp(2852) : DWarn 0xC1CF3BB8: Link from unexpected type of object {HeapClass=BDHP,UID=5401,DPId=23,o=0x0de33558} in VI [VI "" (0x11646770)]
minidump id: 236443a2-84d3-403e-a24a-fb72dd7ff65d
$Id: //labview/branches/2012/dev/source/linker/HeapLinker.cpp#12 $

0x0069DDF3 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x10016460 - mgcore_SH_12_0 <unknown> + 0
0x013E32A5 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00EBECFC - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01060FD1 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x0106112D - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x0106A5C9 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x0106B6D1 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x005C28D3 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x005C03FC - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x005C1BCB - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x005C20AE - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x006495BC - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x009ECF0E - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01CC57D4 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01CC5964 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x006513E3 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00657C9D - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00B87A67 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00B8C606 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00B8DA6D - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x014A90C2 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x014ABA3C - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x014ADA42 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01B4BE87 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01BF99C5 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01B5DBFC - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x761D62FA - USER32 <unknown> + 0
0x761D6D3A - USER32 <unknown> + 0
0x761D77C4 - USER32 <unknown> + 0
0x761D788A - USER32 <unknown> + 0
0x01BF9C4D - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01BFA0C7 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x042F14D6 - QtManager452_2012 <unknown> + 0
0x670E7261 - NIQtCore_2012 <unknown> + 0
0x00000000 - <unknown> <unknown> + 0
Possible path leak, unable to purge elements of base #0

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Hello Bokor,


we would like to have a closer look at your project.

This way me might be able to say something about this issue.


Could you please upload your project in a ZIP file?


Thank you,


Best regards!

Christopher W.
Intern Application Engineering | NI Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) | NI Germany
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Hi Christopher,


I should not reveal the entire project but here is a snippet of the VI ( whose execution leads to the log entry.


This is how the class ProcessTaskWrapper is used in the VI (the class mentioned in the log - see in my original post).


Does it help?





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Good evening Peter,


unfortunately this does not help me.

In case you cannot upload the whole project because of privacy reasons:

Could you create a minimal example project which shows the same behaviour and upload this here?


Just with these screenshots I can not tell how all this should work.


Looking forward to hearing from you,

best regards!

Christopher W.
Intern Application Engineering | NI Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) | NI Germany
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Hi Chris,


this seems to be a subtle issue that I'm not sure I can reproduce just like this.


You know your compiler, can you tell when the error above is thrown? Maybe I can interpret it for my code.





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Hello Peter,


as you can imagine, it is difficult for us to interpret an error message without a certain amount of information.

Even more, when you cannot reproduce it yourself every time.

And, on a side note, we as Application Engineers do not know how exactly the compiler works.


This could be something for the developers, but: to escalate an issue to the developers, there are some requirements.


- we have to know exactly when and how the error occurs, i.e. the exact steps which have to be done, so you can force the error to show up

- exact OS, LabVIEW version, all NI Software which is installed

- what is the application

- what has been done as troubleshooting actions, can the issue be avoided somehow

- we would need your VI or project, or at least a minimal version of them, which can produce the error message

- one of us should be able to reproduce the procedure and get the same error


I am sorry, but at this point, it seems like I cannot do much for you in this topic.


Have a nice day,

Best regards


PS: one more question:

is this even a message from LabVIEW? For me, it seems like a Windows crash report - which we can not fully support.

Christopher W.
Intern Application Engineering | NI Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) | NI Germany
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Hi Chris,


let me reword: I'm not sure I can easily reproduce the warning in a dummy project that I can make public.


The warning shows up every time I execute the corresponding VI.


It may be that the warning is thrown by the underlying execution environment (seems to be C++) but it's still LabVIEW that refers to the warning and returns the log. As a LabVIEW user I shouldn't know that LabVIEW runs C code under the hood right?


Bottom line is I get a warning by LabVIEW with no useful information regarding what the problem might be. Again, a LabVIEW user really doesn't know how the LabVIEW code is compiled into C++.


I'm a bit puzzled that the only way out seems to be that I disclose our entire project. I hoped that the warning log suffices at least for a hint..






0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Hello Peter,


I have talked to some colleagues and done some research, but unfortunately, I only can repeat what I said.

Here in the support team, we do not know how the compiler works, either. This is something our developers deal with, and only one error message is much to little information to even involve them.

To start working, they must be able to have an existing VI or project which can produce the issue without further ado.


In other words: we can see even less information than you. As you said, you have no idea what this message means - how could you?

I fully understand that.. but in this situation: how do you imagine us helping you?


I am very sorry, but this is all I can say at this point.


Have a nice weekend,

Christopher W.
Intern Application Engineering | NI Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) | NI Germany
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8