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Logging DAQ-data to excel



We are having som difficulties trying to log data from our DAQ-card to excel. What we want is an excel chart where the X-axis is in absolute time when the value was sampled, and the Y-axis is the data value.


The test we're making this for takes about 24-hours so we need to be able to set the sampletime, so we can decide how many values we want each second/minute.


There is a lot of info about communication between LabVIEW and Excel, but nothing we can use the way we want it to be.


Does anybody know any program that can do this? It would be perfect if the excel-sheet opens on it's own when the program stops, and have a chart and a table with the data presented.


In LabVIEW the example "Excel macro" opens a excel-sheet, but you can't use a chart or a DAQ-card to recive the data in the program.


I've uploaded a file that shows how we aquire the data from our DAQ-card if this can be any help.



Thanks in advance.

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in the same folder you have an example Excel report.  so that is how you can write tables and graphs to excel.

The signal in your picture is in fact a cluster of data, contains :

- to = time of first sample

- dt = times interval between every sample

- Y = array of samples


What you could do is acquire your signal like you're doing right now, build them together and when you stop measuring, send them to Excel.

Kind regards,

- Bjorn -

Have fun using LabVIEW... and if you like my answer, please pay me back in Kudo's 😉
LabVIEW 5.1 - LabVIEW 2012
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