10-12-2016 04:43 PM
I upgraded a LV install to a development IDE. When that happened the imaging tools such as White Balancing disapeared.
Anyone know how I can get them back?
10-12-2016 08:30 PM
More details? What version to what version? Did you update only LabVIEW? How about the Vision stuff?
Bob Schor
10-13-2016 12:59 PM
Not sure what the older version was, it''s gone. The one I downloaded is the Ver 16.0. I also included the machine vision plugins. Is there a way reinstall the I-MAX utilities?
10-13-2016 03:21 PM
Yes. Open Control Panel, find NI Software, and "Repair" the modules you need to update. At a minimum, this should include anything with "Vision" or "IMAQ" (including IMAQdx) in it. If that doesn't fail, and if you are really only running LabVIEW 2016, do a Remove All and "start over" (reboot before starting over). Note that the Vision Software requires its own license (or a "big enough" license to cover it).
Bob Schor