01-09-2009 11:09 AM
01-12-2009 05:10 AM
Hello again,
this post is probably not in the right place, but it is related to the LVOOP build I had problems with in my previous posts.
My application (the same app as in previous my post) is controlling an Andor camera, and works using there driver dll. I include this dll in the build properties "Source Files"-"Always Include".
(Note: I have "Remove unused members of project libraries" Checked, since the project would not build at all unless this was checked, it came up with an error "File Not Found: ....Hardware.lvlib". For some reason with the "Remove unused members of project libraries" Checked it doesn't have this problem, though this lvlib is used.)
After building the .exe, I look into the exe's directory and find that the driver dll is in the folder "\data".
Then I run the executable and it asks me to locate the driver dll.
Shouldn't it already know where that is?
Is there anyway that this can be avoided?
(Note: this behavior is repeated even if I build the .exe with out having put the driver dll into the "Always Include" box.)
01-12-2009 05:33 AM
I have found a KnowledgeBase article on this very problem which says that I should include the dll into the .exe directory. After doing this, the app works fine, no need to explicitly find the dll.
02-28-2009 12:08 PM
Hi Ed,
is user able to see the block diagram of your VI after building an EXE ? (if he has LabView, of course). I built an application and I tried to open a VI but LabView reported an error:
LabView: Resource not found.
An error occurred loading VI "Device.lvclass:Init.vi".
LabVIEW load error code 3: Could not load front panel.
03-02-2009 03:05 PM
Hi Ljubo,
A user will generally not have access to the block diagram if they have just the executable. You could make a debuggable executable, but this will require LabVIEW throughout the debug process. Check out KnowledgeBase 40K7J8MY: How Can I Debug My LabVIEW Executable and the LabVIEW Help for more information.
About your specific error, KnowledgeBase 33CDL8QX "LabVIEW Load Error Code 3: Could Not Load Front Panel" When Running a LabVIE... maybe helpful.
05-06-2009 12:30 PM
I have some of the same thing going on and i have tried the advice of enabling debugging and also making sure that the boxes under additional exclusions are unchecked for Disconnect type definitions and remove unused polymorphic VI instances. I do have remove unused members of project libraries.
As it is i have a parent class, VISA hardware.lvclass that is inherited by DMM.lvclass and environmental test chamber.lvclass.
environmental test chamber.lvclass is inherited by Thermotron 2800.lvclass and simulated environmental test chamber.lvclass.
DMM.lvclass is also inherited by a few classes but they arent the issue, they work FINE....
now i am getting an error with one of the VIs in environmental test chamber.lvclass when i try to compile. When i remove any calls to the children of that class and just make all the calls to the parent class the application builds just fine. Otherwise it wont build at all. Everything has worked fantastic in the development environment but it isnt working when i want to create the executable and i need to create the executable as i am also on a deadline here. I dont understand how everything can work just fine with the DMM.lvclass but not with this when i created them in the same manner.
I've attached an image displaying the error i receive and a glimpse at my project view to show the parent and child classes that are the source of the problem, thanks
05-06-2009 03:06 PM
09-17-2014 06:51 AM
I know this is an old thread, but I found it through Google, so others may do too.
I have both the issues with the warning about the names being the same and also the error that prevented the build completely.
I deleted the build specification, and the directory it was trying to build too, then created a new build spec, and everything worked fine, with no warnings.