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MAX31685 Interface on myRIO

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Excuse me, how did you connect the max31865? 
Can you help me please? 

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 29



myRIO has SPI connection. You for example on the example below. The rest is explained in the posts above.



0 Kudos
Message 22 of 29

Hi you can find attached a picture of my connection between myRIO1900 and max31865.


I hope that can helps you.

0 Kudos
Message 23 of 29



I have run David15's VI (Short Read_RTDMax31865) and successfully got the correct data from the MAX31865 using a myRIO. Now I remade the VI with LINX with an Arduino Nano. It read just an increment of binary digits.


Can anyone help me with this VI?





0 Kudos
Message 24 of 29

Hi Chung,


if I understand you need to read the max31865 whit arduino nano.

So if you want I can share an Arduino code to do this.


Let me know if can be usefull.





0 Kudos
Message 25 of 29

Hi David,


Thanks for your response!


I used to use MAX31865 with an Arduino IDE. And using a custom made LabView program to read the data from the serial. This one works if I just use to read the temperature from the MAX31865. NOw I have to control a MOSFET-relay to turn on and off a heater using a PID controller, and the feedback is the temperature data from the MAX31865. To do this I using two Arduinos, one for the MAX31865, and the other for MOSFET relay. I am trying to use only one Arduino to do this job using LINX. I think if I can read the temperature data from MAX31865 using LINX, I can use LINX to control the relay.


Your Short Read_RTD_MAX31865 using a myRIO works very well. I tried to replace the myRIO SPI VIs with LINX SPI VIs. However, LINX SPI doesn't read the data properly. I think SPI VIs from the myRIO and LINX are a little different somehow. Or I did something wrong in LINX VIs. I tried various things to see if it works, but no luck so far.


I am attaching my VIs which I tried to copy your VI with the myRIO VIs. If you can take a look at it, and suggest me if anything wrong I did, it would be a great help.





0 Kudos
Message 26 of 29

Hi All,


I am sorry to post a wrong vi. I am attaching the one I was working on.





0 Kudos
Message 27 of 29
Hi Chung,
I am trying to read temperature data from MAX31865 using LINX on Raspberry Pi.
have you achieved to do it on Arduino?  if yes, could you please upload your .vi document?
thanks a lot
Best Wishes
0 Kudos
Message 28 of 29

Hi Ming,


No, I couldn't figure it out. I found some strange things. LINX has a read/write sub-VI. I tried to write (data) "8080" and looked at the read of the sub-VI if the data was properly sent to the MAX31865. What I saw was that the data I tried to send was "0" sometimes and "128" sometimes. I don't know what that means. I post my VI several places including Digilent, but haven't heard anything from anywhere yet.



0 Kudos
Message 29 of 29