03-28-2012 12:09 PM
Probably because I didn't capture the all idea of 3D graphic in labview, I cannot find an easy way to plot a series of points in a 3D graphic with specified shap and color for each point. In my mind, the subvi will have 5 arrays for input: X,Y,Z,shape,color and will plot the points with shape(i), color(i) at x(i),y(i),z(i).
Any help will be most the welcome, I'm swamped !
03-28-2012 01:14 PM - edited 03-28-2012 01:15 PM
You already asked this question: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Simple-xyz-coordonate-plot-of-points-with-specific-color-and/m-p/191...
And it was indicated the 3D graph did not support this.
03-28-2012 01:22 PM
...where i suggested using the Solar System example to start out.
Start out trying something simple based on the Solar System and if you get stuck post IMAGE of your CODE so we can help you figure it out.