02-12-2018 10:19 AM
I have having issues mass compiling a large project that was built in LV 2016. I am attempting to mass compile in LV2017.
The project has close to 4,000 VI's.
I have had some success drilling down to sub folders in the directory and mass compiling. But, this is very tedious and I still occasionally get compiler crashes.
I have adjusted the LabVIEW Compiler optimizations down to 0.
I still continue to get these type of error messages (attached) when the compiler crashes.
When I search for solutions to these error messages I can not find a solution.
Any Ideas?
02-13-2018 10:37 AM
The error is probably located in one of the sub folders in the directory. Have any Vis changed or saved in a different library or dependency recently? Strictly typed references can also be an indicator of compiling errors. I found a link from someone who was having trouble locating their compiling error.
Mass Compile Error: https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Find-source-of-mass-compile-errors/td-p/3360315