06-08-2016 06:46 AM
I'm using the Matlab script to perform signal processing in the LabView application. Some time ago I realised that the application goes slowly over the time (the applications achieves times up to 10 min in one day when it begins with 3 min).
Firstly, I thought that the problem was an array that was growing in the time but I have checked it and it is not the problem. After many tests I have found a clue. When I execute "clear all" in the Matlab Command window, the LabVIEW application returns to the initial speed but it follows the same behaviour (goes again slowly over time). What is the problem here? I have checked the variables with the command "whos" and the variables don't grow in the time, the variables are always the same. So, I understand that the speed shouldn't change.
I have tried to call "clear all" inside the LabVIEW code with another Matlab Script but it doesn't work properly and the speed is still degraded.
I have three different Matlab Script that are running inside a loop, so the scripts are called many times. I understand that the performance should be the same all the time... I don't understand why it gets more slowly.
I will apreciate any comment or idea explaining it.
07-15-2016 07:52 PM
Somewhat different approach: what are you trying to do in your dsp steps?