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Matrix Multiplication in LabVIEW FPGA space

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Hi all,

I'm facing this challenge too.

My system:
1) RT send only setpoint (via front panel controls);
2) FPGA performs the feedback control loop because the RT couldn't achieve 20kHz in deterministic loop - and this rate is a project requirement. So it means I need to solve the state-space controller, kinematics and reverse kinematics transformations inside FPGA.

My challenge:

Therefore, in order to solve the state-space controller and kinematics, I depend on matrix multiplications, trying to minimize the DSPs usage.

I want to test Linear Algebra Matrix Multiply node for comparing with Muri777 solution, but couldn't find any example (the links mentioned in this post are not working).

Could you, please, post an example of this node, or just help me to understand the correct way of wiring "output valid", "ready for" and "valid" terminals?

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Message 31 of 32

Hi Murri777.

I acknowledge your work in FPGA Matrix multiplication.


I personally had lots of problems getting my head around. In fact, your 4x4 Matrix multiplication is my starting and ending point. 


Message 32 of 32