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Measurement & automation explorer 5.5

I installed the latest measurement & automation explorer 5.5, all the earlier versions were working fine. My remote system is listed but under the remote system only the software folder is listed. In all earlier versions the devices & interfaces item would also be listed. Which is what I need to configure my remote PXI Labview RT system.


Is there something new that I have to do to get the devices listed?


I had to revert to an older PC running NI-Max 4.5 to configure the system.



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Message 1 of 5

Have you tried, right clicking Remote Systems and select Create New..??


Create New in MAX Remote Systems

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Message 2 of 5

It doesn't seem to be a problem with MAX but more of a driver for the Real-Time System.


I would guess that you don't have the NI-RIO driver installed on the PC or the version of the NI-RIO driver is incompatable with the version of LabVIEW Real-Time on the Real-Time PXI System. You can test the versions here:


NI-RIO and LabVIEW Version Compatibility



Best Regards

Anders Rohde

Applications Engineer

National Instruments Denmark

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Message 3 of 5

The remote system is a PXI RT system. Previous versions worked with this system. I ended up uninstalling NI Max and installing an older version, 5.0

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Message 4 of 5

Hi Dave,


What versions of these do you currently have installed?

NI-MAX (Dev computer)

NI-RIO (Dev computer)

LabVIEW (installed on Dev computer)

LabVIEW Real-Time (installed on Dev computer)

NI-RIO (PXI controller)

LabVIEW Real-Time (installed on PXI controller)

MAX Configuration (installed on PXI controller)


What versions of those did you have installed when you couldn't add/remove software in MAX 5.5?

Joey S.
Senior Product Manager, Software
National Instruments
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Message 5 of 5