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Measuring with a Thermocouple with a NI 9219 - HELP!!!

Hi! So, in my lab we are trying to use a thermocouple to eventually measure the temperature in a vacuum chamber. So I thought I'd test it out just to see if it would measure room temperature correctly. The problem that I am having is I will get a constant graph (amplitude vs time) of the signal in labview (which makes sense because room temperature is constant). However the number that it reads is "3.66e+12". I have a J type thermocouple, which I have connected to all the right channels and such. I just need step by step instructions on how to analyze the readings I get in labview on these graphs so that eventually I get room temperature 23 deg C when I test it in the room. I've read that I am supposed to use some type of special coefficients as scaling factors for the values produced from the readings, but I am so lost right now I don't know what to do. If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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Message 1 of 4

Howdy MesaATLien,


Before delving too much into troubleshooting in LabVIEW. I would start off troubleshooting your readings in MAX using Test Panels. This will remove the possibility of software complications (within LabVIEW) and is great first step for troubleshooting hardware readings.


Using Test Panels in Measurement & Automation Explorer for Devices Supported by NI-DAQmx


I would also validate that you are properly connecting your instrumentation and insure that you've configured the DAQmx components that reflect this hardware configuration. Here is a useful resource which discusses the different types of connection options. Useful to keep in your back pocket. 

Field Wiring and Noise Considerations for Analog Signals


If you're still receiving issues, it would be helpful to elaborate on how you're connecting your instrumentation (diagram) and provide us with a screenshot of your Test Panel configuration in MAX.


Hope this helps! Best of luck with your research!

Tim A.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

So this is how I have my thermocouple connected. thermocouple connection.jpg

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Message 3 of 4

And what values are you reading in the Test Panel? Also, please show how the test panel is configured.

Tim A.
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Message 4 of 4