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Mechanical/Electrical Goniometer Labview

Hey guys,


I am trying to use a mechanical goniometer with Labview to collect knee joint angle data during exercise concurrently with force data using load cells.


We have a Noraxon Model 304 Inline Mechanical Goniometer (See attached wiring diagram) which I have tried wiring to a NI9237 with DSUB, with little success.


I am unsure based on the attached wiring diagram if this Goniometer is actually compatible with the NI9237 and the issue may have been with my wiring?


We also have a NI9215 and NI9401, so I am also curious as to whether this goniometer could potentiall be used with this hardware?


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Cheers, Jack



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Message 1 of 6
You haven't explained how you've connected the 9237 and you haven't explained what sort of signal is being beverages. The diagram just shows 'out' and that's hardly enough information.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hi Dennis,


I have tried wiring goniometer to 9237 based upon the following


-red wire to EX+

-black to EX-

-green to AI+

-white to AI-


I recieved the wiring diagram from Noraxon but am unable to make much sense of it.


Hence why I have posted the question here on this forum as to whether anyone can help me understand whether based on the wiring diagram I have been given, is this piece of hardware compatible with the 9237 and Labview.


Cheers, Jack

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Without knowing what is in those "NAS3040" blocks and how thee cables are actually connected, we cannot answer your question.  The wiring is color coded at one end and labelled with signal names at the other. This is useless.


The only meaningful information in that drawing is that the sensor appears to be a potentiometer. You could disconnect the rest of the stuff and connect the pot directly to the 9237.  Of course you lose any voltage regulation, filtering, linearization, conversion to angle units, or whatever else they do in the NAS3040.


<rant on> I looked at the Noraxon web site.  Like many companies which make physiology-related measurement equipment, they either do not want you to do anything with their equipment that they did not design it to do, or they assume that the users are too stupid to adapt it.  I think companies should either provide comprehensive documentation on their products or nothing more than basic performance specifiactions and a statement that their system is closed. <rant off>



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6
Green and white are colors and as mentioned, useless information. You need to know the type of signals that are being output. That could mean a voltage, current, resistance, frequency, etc. Get that sort of information and post back.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Understand this information may be useless, the information provided by Noraxon is very limited so just trying to see whether anyone can make any sense of the limited infor on that diagram. I have contacted Noraxon for more information re. the output and will post back here once I have this.


Thanks for your help, Jack

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Message 6 of 6