02-03-2004 05:22 PM
02-03-2004 09:37 PM
08-25-2020 03:00 AM
I'm reviving this old thread because after 16 years it appears to still be a cosmetic problem.
Shown below is a VI with the same text ring control placed four times with increasing closeness to the bottom of the screen and I've demonstrated what you get when you select them.
The menu fails to properly display the entries if the control is within, roughly, 20 pixels of the bottom of the desktop area. Note that all four controls render the same if I move the window up the screen and away from the bottom of the desktop, so this rendering choice is related to on-screen position, not Front Panel position.
I don't accept this is intentional, the large blank area is very undesirable and gives the impression of a rendering mistake. I dislike it, and need a workaround if anybody knows of one please?
04-16-2023 04:26 PM
ugh, just bumped into the issue described here.
Anyone find any workarounds?
04-17-2023 01:20 AM
I was not familiar with this, but a quick test shows that a system ring doesn't have this behavior. I don't know if that can work for you in terms of UI appearance. It's possible that the other types of controls don't have this either (Silver, NXG, etc.). Other workarounds would be using .NET or rolling your own with XControls or QControls. Not ideal.
04-17-2023 10:18 AM
oh wow, you're totally right. The system control must inherit drop-down logic must be different
04-23-2023 07:27 PM
I don't love it, but this seems like a note-worthy workaround:
On Mouse-Down?, if you rearrange the StringsAndValues such that the current value string is at the bottom of the list, then you will never get the annoying bug being discussed here since the current value will always be on-screen.
04-23-2023 09:41 PM
Ok, I finally found a workaround that makes me happy. (VI attached)
@tst already pointed out how the system ring's menu bar doesn't have the same bug. (NI says feature, I say bug.)
I discovered that I can overlay a NXG ring directly over-top of a system ring.
The NXG ring is nicer in that it lets me customize color and style.
I use the MouseDown? event to then turn off visibility of the NXG ring.
This then activates the menu from the System ring.
I also then use the MouseDown event to turn the visibility of the NXG ring back on.
Conveniently, this string of events work out perfectly so that the System Ring is never actually visible on the UI.
Hacky, but low effort and works well