01-02-2013 04:13 AM
Yes I am using ADO connections. You were right the error was of Microsoft. I was missing a step to add my test table in the ODBC data sources. I have added it under control panel->administrative tools->ODBC->system DSN and then added my file name. Now it works. Thanks Mike and Dennis for your patience and time.
01-02-2013 06:16 AM
01-03-2013 01:20 AM
Thanks Mike
My connection string is DSN=myDB. Yes I had given the entire path of test.mdb in the system dsn. I didn't test it in DSN connection dialogue box. I don't know much about the DataSourceName. I am writing values in Microsoft access table that’s why I was assuming that version may create problems. No I didn't test it with hardcoded string. The VI is in Labview8.5 version and access table is attached kindly take a look(change the extension from .docx to .mdb). It is in working condition now
01-03-2013 01:40 AM
you may need these VI's too. Kindly download and unzip
01-03-2013 01:51 AM
01-03-2013 07:42 AM
Try using this connect string:
Data Source=C:\Users\blahblah\blah\Test.mdb;
User Id=admin;
Modify such that the Data Source line contains the path to the database file on your system. I verified that this string works with your code connecting to your file. Check here for another good source of information.