06-05-2010 03:27 PM
I'm getting this error when trying to install LEGOS Minstorm NXT 2.0 on Windows 7 on my home computer: Fatal Error!! Required NIPathsDir property NIMDFMANIFESTDIR is undefined.
It requires admin privileges, so I log on as admin. I've tried changing the Compatibility to Window XP Service Pack 2 or 3 and also chaning the Compatibility to use admini privileges.
I've found from solutions to similar errors posted on this website that it might be a problem with it not being able to find the My Documents folder.
There is a My Documents folder under the Admin user, but the target location is Documents, not My Documents. It won't let me change the target location to My Documents. I try copying the directory and changing the name by it won't let me.
I've tried part of a solution posted here:
I did everything except for the part about "You will need to make another package to add a My Documents folder to the local service user so that would be located in "C:\Documents and Settings\Local Service\My Documents"." because I didn't know how to do that. Plus, I think I would still run into the problem that the target location is not "My Documents", but I suppose I could just enter the target location as "Documents" if I knew how to specify it when I "make another package".
06-05-2010 07:08 PM