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Missing Cut Selection Front Panel Method

For the block diagram you can make a selection of items using scripting then use the Cut Selection to perform a cut operation which is a copy and a delete.  But looking at the Panel, and Pane classes I don't see a cut selection.  Is there a reason this is missing?  It isn't that big of a deal because I believe I can just perform the copy and delete but was confused that cut wasn't an option.

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Message 1 of 5

Hello Hooovahh,


I do not think I fully understand your questions however, there is a shipping example of the method you are talking about in the  Example Finder called "Cut". You can possibly take the node you need from that example and use it in your system.

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Message 2 of 5

@afrank wrote:


there is a shipping example of the method you are talking about in the  Example Finder called "Cut". 

Yup there sure is and it cuts a selection from the block diagram, now show me the same function but for the front panel.  I couldn't seem to find one.

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Message 3 of 5

I also could not find a cut selection for the Front Panel. It looks like that feature does not exist for the front panel. 


Please feel free to post your suggestion for this feature in the LabVIEW Idea Exchange:

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Message 4 of 5