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Missing 'MetaUninstaller.msi' when installing program

I've been told one of the programs I released has been having trouble installing on different computers recently. Therefore I'm trying to install it in different environments using virtual machines (VirtualBox). Right now I'm installing it in a Windows10 pro virtual machine, and while i can start the installer I get an error message telling something along those lines : "Missing installation file : MetaUninstaller.msi".  


Capture d’écran 2022-04-27 102828.png


I've tried looking for this file to add it manually but can't seem to find it anywhere. Also I should mention that the iso file I've used for my VM wasn't created using windows media tool but donwloaded directly from their website. 


Worth noting that I ran the installer on my computer and had no issues, though since I have LabView installed it may be because the runtime is installed already.


Any idea how to solve this problem ?




UPDATE: after forcing the installation without the missing .msi file, it turns out there are a lot more missing. This time they are .mst files though.


Capture d’écran 2022-04-27 102828.png


Have I messed up while setting up my VM ? Or is it something that happened when creating the installer ?


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Here is solution for this question given by VirtualBox community user. 

ISTR there are instructions in the manual for unpacking the installer exe to get the MSI files, then you could put the appropriate one in the necessary location.


Follow this link to go through that forum post. 


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