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Missing camera attribute (Gain) in NI MAX

Hi Bob,


When you say you "disabled the native driver" are you talking about the camera drivers? And was it only after you disabled them that the enumerator function listed more attributes than the ICD file originally listed?

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Message 11 of 15

@hackaway21 wrote:

Hi Bob,


When you say you "disabled the native driver" are you talking about the camera drivers? And was it only after you disabled them that the enumerator function listed more attributes than the ICD file originally listed?

No.  When I loaded the FLIR software, which had its own way of listing all the Attributes of their Camera, I could use their software and acquire Images, but didn't have the ability to synchronize the camera images with the rest of the setup being controlled by LabVIEW (like the digital pulse generators that timed everything).  In order to get IMAQdx to recognize the Camera, however, I had to (and I forget exactly what the steps were) "disable" their Driver (which was something of a pain, because it required Admin access, and I was working in an "Only Special People get Admin Access, but if you jump through enough hoops, we will allow you to do this with additional restrictions").


Right now, I'm talking about a "nice" WebCam that works just fine with IMAQdx.  However, even for such a device, there is a "disconnect" between what "Enumerate Camera Attributes" (I think that's what it is called) says and what is listed (by LabVIEW when it detects the Camera and sets up the ICD) in the .icd file.  No idea why this is.


Something that did occur to me, however -- when you look at your ICD file, do you see any attributes that "look like Gain" (I don't know what other word would be used, but compare your ICD list with the C920 and see if that gives you a clue).


I'll send you a Private Message if I have more "creative" ideas ... 


Bob Schor

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Message 12 of 15

Ahh I see... I will try to determine if it is a driver issue here.


In my icd (attached to my original question as a text file) there are no attributes related to Gain. There are Bayer RGB Gain toggles, but these influence white balance and are different than signal Gain. I did try adjusting these values, but this seemingly had no effect on the image. In your C920 icd it lists: CameraAttributes::Gain::Mode = "Manual" and CameraAttributes::Gain::Value = "255" ...which is what I would expect.


Were you ever able to adjust the icd file to reflect the attributes in the csv?


I am cautiously excited about these "creative" ideas haha

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 15

@hackaway21 wrote:

Were you ever able to adjust the icd file to reflect the attributes in the csv?

Frankly, I never tried.  It was hard enough just getting it to acquire images reliably (timing was very important -- we were studying saccadic eye movements, very fast, and we needed accurate timing from a LabVIEW-initiated stimulus ...).


Bob Schor

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Message 14 of 15

UPDATE: I noticed that when I turn on Auto Exposure, this applies some gain to the image. I have no idea where it is getting this gain factor from however... With this in mind, does anyone know how to examine what functions are being called when something like Auto Exposure is selected?

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Message 15 of 15