07-29-2004 03:33 AM
07-29-2004 07:11 AM
07-29-2004 08:27 AM
08-03-2004 12:18 PM
08-09-2004 07:18 AM
07-01-2005 11:40 AM
01-31-2008 11:47 AM
Hi, I am not familiar with modbus and there is a project to communicate with a Beckhoff bx9000 PLC via TCP
are there any VI examples that setup the tcp server communication and be able to send and receive data ?
any information will be appreciated.
02-01-2008 04:48 PM
There are plenty of examples that setup up the tcp server communications. If you open up the NI Example Finder and double click on the Networking Folder (under the Browse tab). You can then select the TCP & UDP folder and find several examples that use TCP. Also, there is a great knowledge-base article that provides information about network communication with TCP/IP messaging protocol. Essentially, what you are going to want to do is establish basic connectivity between the computer and the device and then assign the device an IP address. Before you do anything with the driver for the device, you might try to ping the device first. Once you can get this working, then you can set up the TCP/IP communication. I hope this helps!
02-02-2008 09:58 AM
If you are going to use modbus tcp, then download the NI modbus library and save yourself some work.
How much data do you need to read/write?? How fast do you need to update the data??
02-04-2008 02:31 AM
I'm not sure what you mean exactly. But I did some time ago a pure LabVIEW library talking to the Beckhoff BC/BK9000 modules using their ADS protocols instead of Modbus. It works for the digital input modules I needed but would need a little work for analog modules or digital output modules although the basic routines are all there.
@JAMR wrote:
Hi, I am not familiar with modbus and there is a project to communicate with a Beckhoff bx9000 PLC via TCP
are there any VI examples that setup the tcp server communication and be able to send and receive data ?
any information will be appreciated.