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Most Imaginative / Craziest / Interesting Thing You've Done With LabVIEW

See page 7 post #2 and you'll see why tehwengsoon posted his message here.
- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
0 Kudos
Message 111 of 118
I am working on (near completion) of a windload chamber to hurricane test garage doors. It is a 32X10X6 chamber (that's feet) that I am applying pressure to using a squirrel cage fan. I am using Bray on/off 8" valves and 8" PVC pipes to control the airflow direction. I am using a Bray butterfly valve with a 4-20mA controller to control the airflow volume. There is a PID feedback loop to automate the control process, because we have to vary the pressure and dwell times on the doors programatically. I also have an array of 25 string potentiometers to measure deflection across the surface of the garage door. It makes a pretty picture for the management types, and gives us 24X the data the governing bodies require. It cuts down on redesign time. The coolest thing though is that I built a plywood wall over the front of the entire surface of the chamber and manually "sucked it in". It withstood -165psf before blowing in like the house at the end of poltergeist. With a surface that size it comes out to about 195 Mph. I think I should be a builder instead of a programmer!!
One should welcome adversity as an opportunity to excel.
Message 112 of 118
195mph is well above the sustained wind speed of a catagory 5 hurricane.  If all houses along the gulf coast and eastern coast were that strong, houses would still be standing after the hurricanes have past.  That is except for the damage from storm surges.  Yep, you should be a carpenter.
- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
0 Kudos
Message 113 of 118

Dear all,

I have done two main things in LabVIEW which made me to believe in my programming ability.

First project is on developing a Radar application which was actually a demo based product and we(company) sent that project to malaysia for student's educational purpose.That project was already 65 %developed by my seniors(they took sincere 15 months for it) and when they are leaving the company they did a major blunder by modified lot of things in that vi they have developed and also password protect it. But later on they told the password on the belief that it was hard to trace out their code. I joined that company last year and that time LabVIEW was completely new to me. But still with the help from NI helpdesk (bangalore), forums, i developed it within 4 months. (It took 1 month almost to just package the project that i did successfully  - That's a different comedy story). Finally did it.......

Second one its a small automation testing project involving lot of dll's. But still since i was little bit familiar with LabVIEW that time i have lot of confidence and finished immediately that too individually.


The thing to be noted here is the 2 projects i mentioned above, i did individually without any discussion with my colleagues. I just got help from NI Bangalore(Phone calls) and NI forums.




Message 114 of 118

My first labview project was to write a program to watch pressures in train brake pipe systems and than send them to a file to be analyzed it also printed out the front panels graphs. 


it ended up being a great success:)



Harold Timmis
*Kudos always welcome:)
0 Kudos
Message 116 of 118

Hi Harold,


nice to see that General Electric is using LabVIEW as well (seems to be present at all train production levels).

We use LabVIEW heavily for the acceptance of trains to the Netherlands.



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Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
My LabVIEW Ideas

LabVIEW, programming like it should be!
0 Kudos
Message 117 of 118

wow this is a bit late of a response, but


yes GE uses labview for testing several of its systems my last project at GE was to test relay boards to see if they where all in continuity.


my manager had tons of projects that had to be done useing labview, but they never had the up to date software lol



Harold Timmis
*Kudos always welcome:)
0 Kudos
Message 118 of 118