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Mother Wavelets

Can anyone tell me the format of the mother wavelet files. I just plotted the data points with it and it seemed to make sense. I believe the first two lines of points are the analysis filter and the second two lines the synthesis filter. It also seems as if the first line of points belong at the end of the wavelet and the second set would seem to be the first part of the wavelet. AKA the second half of the mother wavelet seems to come before the first half. Strangely the synthesis part of the filter seems to be in the proper spacial order.

Also each type of wavelet (ie db02 vs coif02) as well as each level within each type (ie db02 vs db03) seems to have a different number of points within the filter file.

So my questions are first what is the format of this filter file, and second how are the number of data points chosen for each type and level? Also is there a place i could find more mother wavelets to extend the ones that come with labview?

Im using labview 6.1

Thanks for the time
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Message 1 of 2
Hi JD,

I'm assuming you're using the Signal Processing Toolkit. I can't say I'm familiar with this toolkit (or wavelets), but have you looked in the NI SPT User Manual? I know the documentation discusses mother wavelets, but I'm not sure about the file construction.
Travis H.
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 2