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Multi Client, Single Server configuration for cDAQ and Analog test hardware

Good day,


I'm currently working on a project to monitor multiple test hardware. I'm opening up the floor for your opinions and past experiences with designing this kind of project:


  1. There is one server, written in LabVIEW on a Windows 7
  2. There will be multiple hardware modules (also written on LabVIEW). Most of the hardware are based on NI hardware (NI USB 8473; NI cDAQ 9178)
  3. All device are wire connected
  4. The design are bi-directional, however, most data goes from client to server
  5. Data sent will be numeric values
  6. Clients are design to be windows service, therefore it will continuously sending data when the computer is on.
  7. Server should know from which hardware does the value come from, therefore, after it could be analyse individually
  8. Server should only read real-time value

I've trying to use STM and TCP/IP, but I would consider higher level design.

Thank you.



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