07-23-2015 06:25 AM
Thanks a lot R3g, I had no idea there is such a great feature.
09-23-2016 07:19 AM
Accutally I can't find the UTF8 to ANSI.vi and the to Unicode String.vi. I've installed the unicode VI Lin but thes VIs are missing. Can somebody please help me.
09-23-2016 08:59 AM
Those VIs?
09-27-2016 01:52 AM
Thank you!
02-22-2024 01:42 PM
Hello, what is that blue FP icon? I can't find this in pallet.
02-22-2024 02:05 PM
Assuming it's this one, then it is here:
vi.lib\Utility\traverseref.llb\TRef Get All FP References.vi
It ships with LabVIEW but only appears in the palette if you install this "Hidden gems" VIPM package, or a similar one, or add it manually:
02-22-2024 02:33 PM
Vow, that was fast, thanks very much.