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Multiple Analog Outputs on cDAQ

I am trying to output two different analog outputs on two channels on my cDAQ. One output is a square wave and the other is a constant voltage that changes when I press a button on the front panel. I cannot get both outputs to work at the same time. I have successfully outputted two constant voltages but when I try the waveform it does not work. The screen shot I included is basically what I want to happen and I have tried many different settings and used DAQmx vi's as well and nothing seems to work. 


I am using a cDAQ 9174, and an NI 9263 AO module. 

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You really should be checking your errors.  Do you get an error?


From what I can gather from the data sheet, this module only supports 1 TASK at a time.  So you need to generate the same number of samples for both channels and write them both into the same DAQ Assistant (use Merge Signals) or DAQmx Write (Build Array to make an array of waveforms).

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Message 2 of 3

I have changed it to have two inputs with the same number of samples in one task and they are merged into one DAQ Assistant. I have also previously used an array with the DAQmx write. Both have given me the same error, Error -200018, saying the DAC conversion attempted before data to be converted was available. 

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