HI All,
Thanks for responses, the barcode will be of same type.
Actually I have to implement barcode scanners at a production line , there will be around 15 test benches (machines), and the product goes under testing for various parameters at each machine.
These machines give GO / NOGO output after completion of tests, barcode scanner will be used after completion of test, so when it is scanning and sending the string to Main CPU (which is at the end of line) there will be a Digitial I./O card which will scan and record the result from that machine (Go/NG) with coming barcode string and save into a file...this goes for all machines.
After comletion of all tests at every machine, when the final operator will scan the barcode for printing a new barcode to be pasted on that product the whole report will come corresponding to that particular barcode , that whether product has completed all tests and were all tests OK?? Only then Main CPU will give commmand to print the new barcode having all test information.
Thanks & regards
Using LV 8.0