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Multiple FFTs Back-to-back

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I am attempting to take a 128-point FFT N times where the output is a 2D array that is 128xN.

I have a current VI that uses the block where I send in 640 samples. This should generate 5 FFT outputs compounding into an array that is 128x5. However, once I connect the FFT size port to an integer control set to 128, I am limited to a 1D array that is 128 entries long.

Is there a simple way to achieve this functionality? Essentially, I just want the FFT to repeatedly run for each new set of 128 samples until the samples run out.

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Accepted by topic author fpga_sim_lv_guy

Add a for loop to subset and cycle through each set of 128 samples, compute FFT and get an array of FFT values.

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Message 2 of 3

This almost looks like a "poor man's" JTFA. If you have the advanced analysis toolkit (included with LabVIEW professional), there might be better options.


Can you explain from a more general perspective what the data represents and what you are trying to get out of it? Do you have some example data?

Message 3 of 3