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Multiple trigger with different kind of channel


I have DAQ 6353.

I'm trying to understand how exactly I work with the triggers in the device.

I need to do few things that start in the same time:

1. Period measure.

2. Edge count measure.

3. Generate an output in an analog channel.


I get a synch. Signal on a digital channel. As soon as I get the signal all of the above should start their tasks.

after they finish I should get another synch. Signal and start it all over again.


as I understand their are different kind of triggers for different kind of channels (like arm start trigger, trigger on PFI or on APFI)

is there a good place to learn about all of this and dose anyone know if there is a good example for such task?


thank you

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Message 1 of 3

Hello jackedi,


Thank you for using NI forums.  You can use the synch pulse as the start trigger all three of those tasks.  What you will need to use is the DAQmx Trigger VI and configure the trigger type (Start Trigger » Digital Edge), as well as the trigger source (whichever PFI line you wire the synch pulse to).  The LabVIEW help is actually a great place to look for the different trigger types, as well as their inputs.  If you search for the DAQmx Trigger VI it will tell you about all the different trigger types and their configurations.  There are also some VI's in the NI Example Finder (Help » Find Examples; Hardware Input and Output » DAQmx) that have the various measurement types as well as mention how to configure them with a start trigger.  Take a look at these and let me know if you have any questions.



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Message 2 of 3
thank you i will try to do that and let you know if it works
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Message 3 of 3