06-07-2018 04:24 AM
Hello Everyone
I would like to know ,
MySQL OLE DB Connection String For Labview 64 BIT System ?
how do i provide connection details??
I am opening connection using ADO calls. for MySQL DB it work for ODBC setup but i am struggling with OLE DB.
06-07-2018 04:29 AM - edited 06-07-2018 04:38 AM
I don't think MySQL has an OLE DB provider. There might be a way of Configuring an OLE DB link which then bridges to the MyODBC driver, but as you say you got the MyODBC path already working, why making it more complicated and adding another layer to the ADO->MSADO-ODBC bridge->MyODBC driver->Native MySQL driver chain?
This link also seems to indicate that MyODBC is the way to go even when you want to use OLE-DB. Or do you use a specific OLE-DB provider for MySQL? Which one? Because you will need to read the documentation of that provider how it needs to be configured.
This company seems to have an OLE-DB provider for MySQL.