01-24-2017 10:07 AM
I am using the NI_PXI 5412 (Arbitrary Waveform Generator) with 8M memory. Based on my waveform generation definition, I am able to use this generator generate 500ms waveform. Now I need to generate longer waveforms, which need to be 1.5 second for example. The generator runs out of memory, I was looking for solutions and did some research on Script mode, unfortunately this model doesn’t support script mode.
I am wondering if there’s any other ways to solve this memory problem? How easy/difficult to extend memory?
01-25-2017 03:11 AM
While the NI 5412 does not support Scripting it doe support Sequencing (looping and linking of waveforms). Just checking, do you need the 'on the fly' features of scripting or can you get away generating your 1.5 sec using sequencing?
02-01-2017 07:30 AM
Thank you for replying my question. I am interested in the sequencing method, would you have an example for it?
02-01-2017 07:40 AM
Have you tried the shipping example Fgen Arb Sequence.vi ?
You can access it from the Example Finder either searching for the name or browsing through Hardware>>Modular Instruments>>NI-FGEN>>Arbitrary Waveform...