04-04-2016 01:02 PM
I wanted to work on PXIe 5673E vector signal generator and thought of using simulated devices in NI MAX. RFSG driver provides support to 5673E and so I installed it. 5673E involves 3 modules : 5450(AWG), 5652(LO) & 5611(IQ modulator).But while creating simulated device it showed only 5652(LO), 5611(IQ modulator) and not 5450 (AWG). Is there any additional thing I need to do to get PXIe 5450 as a simulated device in NI MAX?
One more question is AM modulation VI in modulation toolkit doesn't get carrier frequency as one of its attribute. then how does this amplitude modulate the message signal?
Thanks in advance 🙂
04-06-2016 03:56 AM
HI Abinaya2412,
You can install the latest driver according to your labvuew and OS version. I have installed NI RFSG 15.0 (http://www.ni.com/download/ni-rfsg-15.0/5511/en/) and I am getting all the options for simulating the hardware.
Query 2: You won't get the options on AM Modulation VI. Carrior Frequency information needed when you upconvert the baseband signal. So if you see "MT upconvert basband.vi " you will see the option.