12-09-2010 02:59 AM
I need NI_ReportGenerationCore.lvlib , where I can find this library? I have licence but I have damage my ReportGeneration toolkit and I do not know how to fix it.
Please help me.
12-09-2010 03:29 AM
It's not only the Report Generation lvlib, there are also some Classes which could be missing.
The easiest way is to repaier the toolkit under the Windows control panel.
12-09-2010 05:21 AM
No it is only this one lib. The point is that I have modified this toolkit's libraries because I needed to please some internal libraries instead of few default's libraries of Report Generation.
I hope it is clear. So I cannot repair because it will damage my internat (extra) libraries.
12-10-2010 02:47 AM
Hi Iza,
Which LV version do You have?
Wojciech Sommer
Applications Engineering
National Instruments EE
12-13-2010 04:15 AM
Hello Wojciech,
LabVIEW 8.6
12-13-2010 08:19 AM - edited 12-13-2010 08:24 AM
Ufff.... Do you mean you modified the code from the toolkit?
If yes I suggest you save your modified version somewhere else (in the user.lib for instance) and rename all the items you modified, then re-install (or repair) so you have the"NI version" not modified and then work from there.
It is really not a good idea to modify LabVIEW's or Addon's code, on the other hand it fine to save a copy with a diffrent name and in your project if you need slightly different function.
Be extremely carefull with this because that means if anyone (you included) want to open the from from another computer than yours, you can't, the code will be broken.
As for the NI_ReportGenerationCore.lvlib... It is supposed to be at this location : C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\vi.lib\Utility\NIReport.llb
Hope this helps
look at this post http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/How-Do-I-Find-Modified-Default-Installation-VIs/m-p/1384434#U1384434 😉
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