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NI Service Locator - Example finder

I loaded Labview 8.5.1 onto a new computer, running Windows XP. When I am connected to the network, the example Finder works.  When I'm not connected to the network, I get the message "NI Service Loacator not running."


I tried restarting the locator, then restarting Labview (per instructions from the Knowledge Base) I still have the problem of the locator not working when not connected to the network.





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Message 1 of 5



Many times, this error can be fixed by restarting the NI Service Locator.  Follow these steps to do this:


  1. Go to Start»Settings»Control Panel»Administrative Tools»Services
  2. Right-click on the NI Service Locator and select Stop
  3. Wait a minute until the service has stopped, and then right-click and select Start
  4. Restart LabVIEW and see if you still get this error

If you follow the steps above, and you still cannot open the NI Example Finder, make sure that any personal firewall software, such as Norton Internet Security, ZoneLabs ZoneAlarm, or McAfee, has given server permissions to the NI Service Locator. If you still get this error contact National Instruments Technical Support.

Note:  The NI Service Locator is a service that runs in the background of the operating system. This service enables the proper execution of several features including the LabVIEW Example Finder and some help options in LabVIEW. If this service is not running or is not running correctly, some of these features will not execute correctly.


Andrew George @ NI UK
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Message 2 of 5

The Example finder works when my computer is connected to my companies network and internet..


The Example Finder does not work when I am disconnected from the network. For example, if I am at home and I want to find an example, I get the message The Service locator is not running, even if I stop ad restart it .



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Message 3 of 5

Hey Bill,


I have several things I would like you to do for me in order to gain a little bit more information on the problem, and help me to resolve the issue a little quicker. First can you make sure when you run LV either at home or with the network disconnected that the fire wall is completely disabled. It may be the user settings within the firewall that are blocking the services used by example finder. To be honest this probably won’t be the problem, but just bear with me for this one just in case. Next if you could perhaps try and unplug a colleague’s network cable an attempt to use the example finder; does theirs work? if this is the case the problem is with your labview and I would recommend that you repair/reinstall LV (The repair function can be found in: control panel -> add/remove software -> labView -> repair for XP or  control panel -> programs and features-> labView -> repair for Windows 7.). The last remaining issue could be the licensing does your work have a VLA (Volume licence Agreement) or a Single Seat licence, as this could potentially affect the service locater used by the LV runtime engine. 



Andrew George @ NI UK
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Message 4 of 5

I went to another computer and disconnected it from our network.  That computer also had the same problem, the Example Finder would not work. So the problem is definitly related to our network.


At this point I am not willing to spend anymore time on this issue. 


Thanks for your help,



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