I am using Ni-Signal Express generic DMM to communicate Keithley DMM instrument. I created a session in NI-MAX and I unchecked all optional features(State caching, Range Checking, Coercion recording, Interchangeability) those are not supported by IVI-COM driver for that instrument. default initialization is successfull, but when i set the range to auto range and run it giving error like--> IVI_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE, -1074135023, "Ke2100: Does not support this class or method GetNextInterchangeWarning.” you can find NI-IO trace screen shot in attachment.
I am assuming NI-Signal Express generic DMM has checking for GetNextInterchangeWarning() method, that was not supported in IVI-COM driver what I have. so its giving error. am I right?
If so, as per IVI-Foundation optional features are not manditory for ay driver. So I think it's a bug in NI-Signal Express generic DMM not in IVI-COM driver.
Thanks in Advance