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NI-visa instalation error

I have already instaled labview 2019, but I have problem with one driver, i have en error as you can see at the screen shoot, what should i do to install it?

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I shouldn't have to tell you that the "Error Message is Wrong" -- there's (almost certainly) nothing wrong with your Internet Connection, NIPM just got confused.


According to the message, the problem was with the VISA .NET components, which you selected as an "Additional Item" when you installed LabVIEW.  I would start by opening NIPM, finding the VISA Driver and asking NIPM to remove it (you can also ask NIPM to "repair" it, but this is much more complicated, takes more time, and has, in my opinion, more "room for error").


Once it has been removed, reboot, run NIPM again, and ask to install VISA.  But this time, do not install all the "Additional Items".  In particular, if you are not planning to use VISA with .NET or other Microsoft products, don't install the Item.


Bob Schor

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